
Memory Benchmarks

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SK Hynix HMT125U6DFR8C-H9 2GB

Price and performance details for the SK Hynix HMT125U6DFR8C-H9 2GB can be found below. This is made using thousands of PerformanceTest benchmark results and is updated daily.

  • The graphs shows the relative performance of the ram module compared up to 9 other common ram modules of same type. For DDR3 and DDR4, the values will be from systems using newer Intel CPUs where available.
  • If pricing history data is available for the ram module, a chart with be created charting price changes.
  • The last graph shows up to the last 5 baselines we have received for this particular ram module. Both Intel and AMD results are shown.
SK Hynix HMT125U6DFR8C-H9 2GB

Description: PC3-10600, 1.5V, CAS Supported: 6 7 8 9

Other names: SK Hynix HMT125U6DFR8C-H9

Memory First Benchmarked: 2023-03-12

Last Price Change: NA

Average Mark
Samples: 3

Memory Test Suite Average Results for SK Hynix HMT125U6DFR8C-H9 2GB

Database Operations1,985 KOps/Sec
Memory Read Cached24,652 MBytes/Sec
Memory Read Uncached12,081 MBytes/Sec
Memory Write6,415 MBytes/Sec
Latency34 ns (lower is better)
Memory Threaded9,508 MBytes/Sec
From submitted results to PerformanceTest V10 as of 22nd of October 2024.
As of 22nd of October 2024 - Lower numbers represent better performance
Memory Model Average
Kingston KHX1600C9D3/4GX 4GB
46 ns
Corsair CMZ8GX3M2A1600C9 4GB
47 ns
Kingston KHX1866C10D3/8G 8GB
47 ns
G Skill Intl F3-12800CL9-4GBXL 4GB
46 ns
Kingston KHX1600C10D3/8G 8GB
45 ns
Crucial Technology BLS8G3D1609DS1S00. 8GB
44 ns
Crucial Technology BLS4G3D1609DS1S00. 4GB
44 ns
Corsair CMZ16GX3M2A1600C10 8GB
44 ns
Kingston KHX1866C10D3/4G 4GB
53 ns
SK Hynix HMT125U6DFR8C-H9 2GB
34 ns
Read Uncached Transfer Speed
As of 22nd of October 2024 - Higher results represent better performance
Memory Model Average
Kingston KHX1600C9D3/4GX 4GB
12.7 GB/s
Corsair CMZ8GX3M2A1600C9 4GB
12.3 GB/s
Kingston KHX1866C10D3/8G 8GB
12.5 GB/s
G Skill Intl F3-12800CL9-4GBXL 4GB
12.8 GB/s
Kingston KHX1600C10D3/8G 8GB
13.3 GB/s
Crucial Technology BLS8G3D1609DS1S00. 8GB
13.7 GB/s
Crucial Technology BLS4G3D1609DS1S00. 4GB
13.3 GB/s
Corsair CMZ16GX3M2A1600C10 8GB
13.3 GB/s
Kingston KHX1866C10D3/4G 4GB
10.6 GB/s
SK Hynix HMT125U6DFR8C-H9 2GB
12.1 GB/s
Write Transfer Speed
As of 22nd of October 2024 - Higher results represent better performance
Memory Model Average
Kingston KHX1600C9D3/4GX 4GB
7.9 GB/s
Corsair CMZ8GX3M2A1600C9 4GB
7.7 GB/s
Kingston KHX1866C10D3/8G 8GB
8.4 GB/s
G Skill Intl F3-12800CL9-4GBXL 4GB
8.2 GB/s
Kingston KHX1600C10D3/8G 8GB
8.5 GB/s
Crucial Technology BLS8G3D1609DS1S00. 8GB
8.7 GB/s
Crucial Technology BLS4G3D1609DS1S00. 4GB
8.5 GB/s
Corsair CMZ16GX3M2A1600C10 8GB
8.6 GB/s
Kingston KHX1866C10D3/4G 4GB
6.9 GB/s
SK Hynix HMT125U6DFR8C-H9 2GB
6.4 GB/s
Threaded Memory
As of 22nd of October 2024 - Higher results represent better performance
Memory Model Average
Kingston KHX1600C9D3/4GX 4GB
21.1 GB/s
Corsair CMZ8GX3M2A1600C9 4GB
19.2 GB/s
Kingston KHX1866C10D3/8G 8GB
22.7 GB/s
G Skill Intl F3-12800CL9-4GBXL 4GB
21.2 GB/s
Kingston KHX1600C10D3/8G 8GB
20.9 GB/s
Crucial Technology BLS8G3D1609DS1S00. 8GB
21.3 GB/s
Crucial Technology BLS4G3D1609DS1S00. 4GB
21.2 GB/s
Corsair CMZ16GX3M2A1600C10 8GB
20.8 GB/s
Kingston KHX1866C10D3/4G 4GB
21.1 GB/s
SK Hynix HMT125U6DFR8C-H9 2GB
9.5 GB/s

Search for SK Hynix HMT125U6DFR8C-H9 2GB
from the Featured Merchants below:
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Last 2 Baselines for SK Hynix HMT125U6DFR8C-H9 2GB
Most recent listed first
Baseline Benchmark Results
BL2114168 - Jun 01 2024

61 ns - Latency

7.4 GB/s - Read Uncached

5.9 GB/s - Write

10.1 GB/s - Threaded

BL1766936 - Mar 12 2023

43 ns - Latency

9.3 GB/s - Read Uncached

4.4 GB/s - Write

9.5 GB/s - Threaded