
Memory Benchmarks

Tracking the top memory modules...

AMD R5S532G5600U2S 32GB

Price and performance details for the AMD R5S532G5600U2S 32GB can be found below. This is made using thousands of PerformanceTest benchmark results and is updated daily.

  • The graphs shows the relative performance of the ram module compared up to 9 other common ram modules of same type. For DDR3 and DDR4, the values will be from systems using newer Intel CPUs where available.
  • If pricing history data is available for the ram module, a chart with be created charting price changes.
  • The last graph shows up to the last 5 baselines we have received for this particular ram module. Both Intel and AMD results are shown.
AMD R5S532G5600U2S 32GB

Description: PC5-44800, 1.1V, CAS Supported: 22 28 30 32 36 40 42 46 50

Other names: AMD R5S532G5600U2S

Memory First Benchmarked: 2023-07-01

Last Price Change: NA

Average Mark
Samples: 9

Memory Test Suite Average Results for AMD R5S532G5600U2S 32GB

Database Operations10,331 KOps/Sec
Memory Read Cached41,807 MBytes/Sec
Memory Read Uncached39,856 MBytes/Sec
Memory Write25,952 MBytes/Sec
Latency60 ns (lower is better)
Memory Threaded57,533 MBytes/Sec
From submitted results to PerformanceTest V10 as of 22nd of October 2024.
As of 22nd of October 2024 - Lower numbers represent better performance
Memory Model Average
G Skill Intl F5-6000J3636F16G 16GB
47 ns
Kingston KF560C36-16 16GB
46 ns
G Skill Intl F5-6000J3038F16G 16GB
46 ns
G Skill Intl F5-6000J3040G32G 32GB
48 ns
Corsair CMK32GX5M2B5600C36 16GB
45 ns
Team Group Inc. UD5-6000 16GB
46 ns
G Skill Intl F5-6400J3239G16G 16GB
44 ns
G Skill Intl F5-6000J3238F16G 16GB
46 ns
G Skill Intl F5-6400J3239G32G 32GB
43 ns
AMD R5S532G5600U2S 32GB
60 ns
Read Uncached Transfer Speed
As of 22nd of October 2024 - Higher results represent better performance
Memory Model Average
G Skill Intl F5-6000J3636F16G 16GB
31.1 GB/s
Kingston KF560C36-16 16GB
30.5 GB/s
G Skill Intl F5-6000J3038F16G 16GB
36.4 GB/s
G Skill Intl F5-6000J3040G32G 32GB
35.0 GB/s
Corsair CMK32GX5M2B5600C36 16GB
24.6 GB/s
Team Group Inc. UD5-6000 16GB
29.0 GB/s
G Skill Intl F5-6400J3239G16G 16GB
27.4 GB/s
G Skill Intl F5-6000J3238F16G 16GB
33.0 GB/s
G Skill Intl F5-6400J3239G32G 32GB
26.6 GB/s
AMD R5S532G5600U2S 32GB
39.9 GB/s
Write Transfer Speed
As of 22nd of October 2024 - Higher results represent better performance
Memory Model Average
G Skill Intl F5-6000J3636F16G 16GB
23.0 GB/s
Kingston KF560C36-16 16GB
23.5 GB/s
G Skill Intl F5-6000J3038F16G 16GB
28.0 GB/s
G Skill Intl F5-6000J3040G32G 32GB
25.8 GB/s
Corsair CMK32GX5M2B5600C36 16GB
19.2 GB/s
Team Group Inc. UD5-6000 16GB
22.7 GB/s
G Skill Intl F5-6400J3239G16G 16GB
21.5 GB/s
G Skill Intl F5-6000J3238F16G 16GB
25.1 GB/s
G Skill Intl F5-6400J3239G32G 32GB
21.4 GB/s
AMD R5S532G5600U2S 32GB
26.0 GB/s
Threaded Memory
As of 22nd of October 2024 - Higher results represent better performance
Memory Model Average
G Skill Intl F5-6000J3636F16G 16GB
69.0 GB/s
Kingston KF560C36-16 16GB
70.7 GB/s
G Skill Intl F5-6000J3038F16G 16GB
67.7 GB/s
G Skill Intl F5-6000J3040G32G 32GB
73.3 GB/s
Corsair CMK32GX5M2B5600C36 16GB
71.3 GB/s
Team Group Inc. UD5-6000 16GB
71.3 GB/s
G Skill Intl F5-6400J3239G16G 16GB
78.6 GB/s
G Skill Intl F5-6000J3238F16G 16GB
68.5 GB/s
G Skill Intl F5-6400J3239G32G 32GB
81.1 GB/s
AMD R5S532G5600U2S 32GB
57.5 GB/s

Search for AMD R5S532G5600U2S 32GB
from the Featured Merchants below:
Note: PassMark Software may earn compensation for sales from links on this site through affiliate programs.
Last 5 Baselines for AMD R5S532G5600U2S 32GB
Most recent listed first
Baseline Benchmark Results
BL2076477 - Apr 12 2024

59 ns - Latency

39.0 GB/s - Read Uncached

26.8 GB/s - Write

58.9 GB/s - Threaded

BL2034339 - Feb 25 2024

58 ns - Latency

39.7 GB/s - Read Uncached

26.7 GB/s - Write

58.4 GB/s - Threaded

BL1912197 - Sep 26 2023

58 ns - Latency

40.7 GB/s - Read Uncached

26.8 GB/s - Write

59.2 GB/s - Threaded

BL1908233 - Sep 20 2023

58 ns - Latency

39.7 GB/s - Read Uncached

26.7 GB/s - Write

57.4 GB/s - Threaded

BL1891700 - Aug 27 2023

58 ns - Latency

40.9 GB/s - Read Uncached

27.1 GB/s - Write

60.6 GB/s - Threaded